
姓 名: 汤丹
性 别:
职 务:
职 称: 副研究员(自然科学)
通讯地址: 新疆乌鲁木齐市新市区科学二街181号
邮政编码: 830011
电子邮件: tangdan@ms.xjb.ac.cn


2002.09-2006.06    吉林大学-动物医学专业学士学位

2006.09-2011.06    吉林大学(硕博连读)-生物化学与分子生物学专业理学博士学位  

2011.06-2020.11    中科院新疆理化技术研究所-植物资源化学重点实验室助理研究员  

2018.05-2019.05    中国科学院上海药物所,中科院药物创新研究院,访问学者  

2020.11-至今      中科院疆理化技术研究所-植物资源化学重点实验室副研究员  





(1) dan tang; liu liu; dildar ajiakber; ; jianjun xu;  xuelei xin*; *; , frontiers in endocrinology, 2018, 9: 586-596.  

(2) dan tang; qibin chen; xuelei xin; haji akber aisa*; , biomedicine & pharmacotherapy. 2017, 87: 145-152.  

(3) dan tang; lianzhen xie; xulei xin; haji akber aisa*; journal of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry, 2016, 4(2): 7-13.  

(4) dan tang; dongli liao; qiankun zhu; fangyuan wang and et al. fluorescence turn-on detection of a protein through the displaced single-stranded dna binding protein binding to a molecular beacon. chem. commun., 2011, 47, 5485–5487.  

(5) aobulikasimu hasan; dan tang; dilaram nijat; hequn yang; h. a. aisa*; diterpenoids from euphorbia glomerulans with potential reversal activities against p-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance, bioorganic chemistry 2021,117, 105442.   

(6) #; #; dan tanghaji akber aisa*; jatrophane diterpenoids as multidrug resistance modulators from euphorbia sororia. bioorganic chemistry, 2021, 112: 1-13.   

(7) liu liu#; mrs mireguli yasen#; dan tang; xuelei xin*; haji akber aisa*; polyphenol-enriched extract of rosa rugosa thunb regulates lipid metabolism in diabetic rats by activation of ampk pathway. biomedicine & pharmacotherapy, 2018, 100: 29-35.  

(8) liu liu; dan tang; haiqing zhao; xulei xin*; haji akber aisa*; hypoglycemic effect of the polyphenols rich extract from rose rugosa thunb on high fat diet and stz induced diabetic rats. journal of ethnopharmacology, 2017, 200: 174-181.  

(9) ayitila maimaitijiang#; bianlin wang#; hequn yang; dan tang; yongqiang liu; haji akber aisa*; discovery of a novel highly potent and low-toxic jatrophane derivative enhancing the p-glycoprotein-mediated doxorubicin sensitivity of mcf-7/adr cells. european journal of medicinal chemistry, 2022, 244: 114822.   

(10) haji-akber aisa, xuelei xin , dan tang. chemical constituents and their pharmacological activities of plants from cichorium genus[j]. chinese herbal medicines, 2020.12( 3):224-236.  


1.阿吉艾克拜尔·艾萨, 杨贺群, 汤丹, 一种对叶大戟果实中假白榄烷型二萜化合物及制备方法和用途, cn112661644a(授权)  


3.阿吉艾克拜尔·艾萨,杨贺群,王边琳,汤丹,阿依提拉·麦麦提江, 一种假白榄烷型二萜衍生物及其制备方法和用途, cn113402483a(授权)  



