
姓 名: 李俊杰
性 别:
职 务:
职 称: 研究员(自然科学)
通讯地址: 新疆乌鲁木齐市新市区科学二街181号
邮政编码: 830011
电子邮件: lijunjie@ms.xjb.ac.cn


    李俊杰,男,理学博士,研究员,博士生导师。国家级青年人才计划获得者。2015年获日本东北大学和华东师范大学联合培养博士学位。先后留学日本东北大学、欧洲伊比利亚国际纳米技术实验室及瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院。2019年入职中科院新疆理化技术研究所。先后在adv. mater. j. am. chem. soc. angew. chem. int. edit.adv. funct. mater.nature. commom.acs nanoadv. sci.nanoscale horiz. j. phys. chem. lett.等国际刊物上发表学术论文70余篇,参与出版英文学术专著1部。研究工作受到国际同行高度评价,并受邀在chem. rev.sci. china chem.chem. commun.等杂志撰写晶体生长及非线性光学功能材料领域的综述性文章。目前,申报人承担国家级课题3项、省部级项目4项。2021年,获新疆自治区自然科学一等奖1项。







[1] peng wang, yu chu, abudukadi tudi,? congwei xie, zhihua yang, shilie pan,* junjie li,* the combination of structure prediction and experiment for the exploration of alkali-earth metal-contained chalcopyrite-like ir nonlinear optical material. advanced science, 2022, accept.

[2] ailijiang abudurasuli, junben huang,peng wang, zhihua yang, shilie pan,* junjie li,* . angewandte chemie-international edition, 2021,60, 24131-24136.

[3] yu chu, peng wang, hao zeng, shichao cheng, xin su, zhihua yang, junjie li,* shilie pan,* . chemistry of materials., 2021, 33, 6514–6521.

[4] junyuan xu, junjie li, zan lian, ana araujo, yue li, bin wei, zhipeng yu, oleksandr bondarchuk, isilda amorim, vasiliki tileli*, bo li*, and lifeng liu*, atomic-step enriched ruthenium–iridium nanocrystals anchored homogeneously on mof-derived support for efficient and stable oxygen evolution in acidic and neutral media. acs catalysis, 2021, 11, 3402-3413.

[5] junjie li*, francis leonard deepak*, atomic-scale dynamic observation reveals temperature-dependent multistep nucleation pathways in crystallization. nanoscale horizons, 2019, 4, 1302-1309.

[6] qiang li, bin wei, yue li, junyuan xu*, junjie li*, lifeng liu, leonard francis, large-scale fabrication of hollow pt3al nanoboxes and their electrocatalytic performance for hydrogen evolution reaction. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2019, 7, 9842-9847.

[7] junjie li, zhongchang wang, yunping li and francis leonard deepak*, in situ atomic-scale observation of kinetic pathways of sublimation in silver nanoparticles. advanced science, 2018, 6, 1802131.

[8] junjie li, zhongchang wang, and francis leonard deepak*, direct atomic-scale observation of intermediate pathways of melting and crystallization in supported bi-nanoparticles. the journal of physical chemistry letters2018, 9, 961–969.

[9] junjie li, jiangchun, chen, hua wang, na chen, zhongchang wang, lin guo and francis leonard deepak*, in situ atomic-scale study of particle mediated nucleation and growth in amorphous bi to nanocrystal phase transformation. advanced science, 2018, 5, 1700992.


[10] li, junjie, zhongchang wang, and francis leonard deepak*. in-situ atomic-scale observation of droplet coalescence driven nucleation and growth at liquid/solid interfaces. acs nano, 2017, 11, 5590-5597.





