
姓 名: 胡伦
性 别:
职 务:
职 称: 研究员(自然科学)
通讯地址: 新疆乌鲁木齐市北京南路40-1号
邮政编码: 830011
电子邮件: hulun@ms.xjb.ac.cn








胡伦,研究员,博士生导师。主要从事复杂网络智能分析方法研究及其在生物信息方面的应用,建立了复杂网络智能分析的系列模型,从理论层面认知和深入阐述了多源异构信息融合下对模型分析性能的影响,为社团发现和链接预测等典型分析场景提供了有效的凯发k8官网登录vip的解决方案,并将其应用在解决生物信息领域等相关问题中,取得了一系列创新的结果。目前已在ieee系列汇刊(tkdetfstcybtsctnsetcbbtnb) bioinformaticsbriefings in bioinformatics和自动化学报(英文版)等国际重要期刊和会议上累计发表五十余篇论文,申请发明专利6项。先后主持国家、省部级基金项目6项,累计到账科研经费一千余万元。获中国科学院高层次人才择优支持、新疆杰出青年科技人才、新疆高层次人才等人才项目支持。担任bmc bioinformaticsplos onefrontiers in neurorobotics的编委,先后担任多个国际会议的分会主席以及ieee bibm 2021-2022程序委员会委员。





1. lun hu, shicheng yang, xin luo, and mengchu zhou. an algorithm of inductively identifying clusters from attributed graphs. ieee transactions on big data, 2022, 8(2): 523-534.

2. lun hu, sicheng yang, xin luo, mengchu zhou, and huaqiang yuan. a distributed framework for large-scale protein-protein interaction data analysis and prediction using mapreduce. ieee/caa journal of automatica sinica(自动化学报英文版), 2022, 9(1):160-172.

3. bowei zhao, lun hu(通讯作者), zhu-hong you, lei wang, and xiaorui su. hingrl: predicting drug-disease associations with graph representation learning on heterogeneous information networks, briefings in bioinformatics, 2022, 23(1): bbab515. if=11.622,中科院jcr分区一区

4. xiaorui su, lun hu(通讯作者), zhu-hong you, lei wang, and bowei zhao. a deep learning method for repurposing antiviral drugs against new viruses via multi-view non-negative matrix factorization and its application to sars-cov-2. briefings in bioinformatics, 2022, 23(1): bbab526.

5. lun hu, xiangyu pan, zehai tan, and xin luo. a fast fuzzy clustering algorithm for complex networks via a generalized momentum method, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, 2021, doi: 10.1109/tfuzz.2021.3117442.

6. xin luo, yue zhou, zhigang liu, lun hu(通讯作者), and mengchu zhou. generalized nesterovs acceleration-incorporated, non-negative and adaptive latent factor analysis, ieee transactions on services computing, 2021, doi: 10.1109/tsc.2021.3069108.

7. lun hu, jun zhang, xiangyu pan, xin luo, and huaqiang yuan. an effective link-based clustering algorithm for detecting overlapping protein complexes in protein-protein interaction networks. ieee transactions on network science and engineering, 2021, 8(4):3275-3289.

8. lun hu, xiaojuan wang, pengwei hu, yu-an huang, and zhu-hong you. a survey on computational models for predicting protein–protein interactions, briefings in bioinformatics, 2021, 22(5): bbab036.

9. lun hu, jun zhang, xiangyu pan, hong yan, and zhu-hong you. hiscf: leveraging higher-order structures for clustering analysis in biological networks. bioinformatics, 2021, 37(4): 542-550.

10. lun hu, keith c. c. chan, xiaohui yuan, and shengwu xiong. a variational bayesian framework for cluster analysis in a complex network. ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering, 2020, 32(11): 2115-2128.


1. 一种基于混合隶属度随机块模型的蛋白质相互作用预测方法和系统。胡伦,王小娟,周喜,蒋同海,苏小芮。

2. 一种基于高阶结构的生物网络聚类方法和系统。胡伦,张俊,周喜,蒋同海,赵博伟。

3. 基于模糊聚类和基因本体语义相似性的可重叠蛋白质复合物识别方法和系统。胡伦,潘翔宇,周喜,蒋同海,苏小芮。

4. 一种基于多模态堆叠自动编码机的microrna-疾病关联预测方法。姬博亚,尤著宏,胡伦,王磊,周喜,蒋同海,黄历广。

5. 一种基于生物知识和网络拓扑结构的药物重定位方法和系统。赵博伟,胡伦,周喜,蒋同海,苏小芮。

6. 一种基于空间相似性约束和非负矩阵分解的药物重定位方法和系统。苏小芮,胡伦,周喜,蒋同海,赵博伟。

7. 一种基于生成对抗网络模型的皮肤黑色素和油脂标注方法和系统。胡伦,周鹏,周喜,蒋同海,赵博伟,苏小芮。



